Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Early registration has many benefits for students

For the first time in school history, students at Southwest Texas Junior College will be able to start registering for fall and summer classes at the same time.

Registration begins April 1 for both summer sessions and the fall semester. The new registration date applies to both online and advisor-assisted registration.

Beginning registration early offers a variety of benefits to students and the college.

One of the main things we hope to address is student retention. By offering students the chance to register for fall classes while the spring semester is still in session we believe we can get more of our students coming back in the fall.

The earlier registration also gives students a longer period to meet with advisors and plan a schedule that fills their needs. With five months of registration, we can spread out the work load on our advisors and give them more time to spend with each individual student.

In addition, students will have more time to secure financial aid and make payment arrangements.

Qualified students can register online for fall and summer classes. Students are encouraged to get time permits to schedule advising time for advisor-assisted registration.

Schedules for fall classes, as well as both summer sessions, are available online at 
Printed schedules are available in the Flores Student Center in Uvalde and in main administration offices in Del Rio, Eagle Pass and Crystal City.

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