Thursday, September 11, 2014

Palomino Fest draws record crowd in Uvalde

Organizers say upwards of 20,000 people attended the 2014 Palomino Fest Labor Day Weekend Celebration held Aug. 28 – Aug 31 at the Uvalde County Fairplex.

"Our final number stands at approximately 20,000, which is an increase for last year's attendance," festival coordinator Wade Carpenter said. "This was our 18th annual event and it keeps getting bigger every year."

Carpenter expressed his gratitude to all the volunteers who helped with this year's festival. "Our volunteers are a major reason for the success we have had through out the years," Carpenter said. "I especially want to thank all the volunteers from SWTJC who put in long, hot hours at this year's event."In addition, Carpenter offers special thanks to the County of Uvalde, the City of Uvalde, the Uvalde Chamber of Commerce, and all the local businesses who supported the 2013 festival.

Proceeds from the event will go toward scholarships to SWTJC. "Our goal was to match last year's $25,000 for scholarships and we reached our goal," Carpenter said.

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